With the bat I started off by drawing real bats as it is something i have never attempted before. I wasn't very impressed with this and was wondering how on earth I am going to be able to design a bat if i can't even draw them.
So I decided to look at pre existing cartoon bats and see how other people got around this. A lot of bats were too simple like just their outline or like a round head with wings popping off but i wanted more of a body so my character can act better. I liked the cuteness of a lot of them but my character is a little bit mean so it can't be too cute but also he isn't evil. I want it to be simple enough to draw over and over but i don't like the really really simple style. It needs that little bit of detail to make it feel more real and connect to it.
So i sat down and thought about all the things I like and don't like and the messages i want to put forward. I decided it needed a fairly round shape to show that he is not harmful but he is also a bit lazy. I also wanted to anthropomorphise him quite a lot as i think this works well for him acting.
After a did the initial circles i added in the outlines and refined the shape of what i think he should look like.
Then added the face, a bit sad because he is lonely. I used my favourite nose and mouth from the cartoons i had found online as i thought they worked really well. Then nice big eyes. It seems like eyebrows actually might be quite important for this character because it think he has quite a lot of emotions to portray throughout the animation.
Then I added the wings. I thought it would look quite cute if he was holding them almost like a little girl holds her dress like 'look at me I'm cute' Like he's wanting sympathy like he is from all the birds.I actually really like this character but ____said not to stop at the first one.
Then i looked into different face shaped because something might work better. As you can see i tried a bit more realistic and cool or a bit goofy...
And here we have the square, diamond, triangle and oval shapes of face. I think the best out of these would be the square. The others just don't seem to fit. I think its because there needs to be more room at the mouth because he talks a lot. I love the oval one at the bottom but it just looks too cute for the character.
I like how the first drawing is stood too i feel this is very like the characters personality.