Saturday, 21 March 2015

Text analysis

In this text analysis i will be talking about the book 'Drawn to sound'  by Rebecca Coyle. I found this book really useful for my essay about sound and its relationship to animation. It contained lots of different examples from lots of different genres giving me a very diverse range of research including animation, film, things from a long time ago, and more current things. It provided me with a fair few quotes for my essay and also gave me a good insight into lots of different uses of sound and different examples. I really enjoyed reading it and actually read most of the book instead of just flicking through. I particularly liked the part about The Corpse Bride by Tim Burton where she explained about how motifs are used in music to convey specific meanings. In this case it was a ticking motif 'which adds to the sense of things here being mechanised and ordered rather than lively and spontaneous.' 'The dead, freed from this constraint, are far more vigorous as a result'. I really enjoyed this part. 

A good thing about this book is that although it has some technical aspects, it is not heavily technically based so you do not have to have a deep understanding of musical composition to understand what Rebecca is trying to say. It is more theoretical based and explains how and why things are done. Unlike  Sound design by David Sonnenschein which has a lot of technical based reading. Although i have studied music a little bit in the past, it still doesn't make as much sense as an explanation on the theory behind why the composers did what they did. This is also more helpful for my essay because that too is more about why things work the way they do and what they show. 

I also liked this book because it didn't just talk about film music like most of the books i found, it talked about animations and sound effects as well which was actually quite hard to find and what i was specifically looking for. It meant i could still write about what i had intended to for my essay and get enough quotes for it. The way it was written was easy enough to keep up with and understand for me as it wasn't  written overly academically. 

In conclusion i believe this book helped my essay immensely and I don't think i could've written my essay without it. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn about how sound and animation work together. I really enjoyed this book so much so that i read almost every page even if the page contained nothing that would work for my essay.

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