We are going to be looking at things like the gaze and the media, cities and film, consumerism, globalisation, ethics, censorship, research and more.
The aim of these lectures is to inspire us and inform us to write a 3000 word essay. Then at the end, create a proposal for our dissertation.
We also learnt about Plato's cave and I found it really interesting!
Basically, A group of people have been born and raised in a cave and they are told that that is the world. they see shadows and they're told they are dangerous and never to venture outside. So they live their lives thinking that is all there is to life. One day someone did escape and when he found how wonderful it was outside the cave he came back to tell everyone. However they didn't believe him because they had been told so many lies that they became truth to them so they just thought this man was crazy and they killed him!
This relates to life like we are shown so much imagery telling us what life is like but actually its just a portrayal of how life might be but it isn't the complete truth for instance TV soaps portray a very different life to what it might actually be like. Also we see pictures from Africa of children starving but we don't realise that that is not the whole of Africa because that part is not shown. Very interesting stuff!
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