tim burton adopted the gothic style in his animation but its not made FOR goths you don't have to be a goth to like it.
posers of subculture- wearing things you know nothing about because other people are wearing it like band t-shirts of bands you have never heard of or like wearing star wars pyjamas when you've never seen star wars.
.look at where and why psychoanalysis emerges
.identify key concepts and terms:ego, super ego, id, abject, objet relation
.look at object relation theory with regards to are and design
.look at abject.
Freuds deffinitions
.a discipline founded on a procedure for the investigation of mental processes that are otherwise inaccessible because they are unconscious
.a therapeutic method for the treatment of neurotic disorders
.a body of psychological eta evolving into a new scientific discipline
the third category comprises frauds work on culture which is largely based on the view that culture is a product of the diversion or sublimation of sexual energy.
sublimation- the conversion of sexual drive and energies into creative sexual energy
psychoanalysis seeks to analyse and structure our consciousness through careful dissection of the unconscious mind.
sigmund freud 1856-1939
id- governed but the pleasure principle desires and drives, sex, death, pain, fascinations
ego- the side we show the world
super ego- moral conscience
we repress them because society would allow/like them
to live in society we must repress instinctual desires- sexual or aggressive usually the taboos of society
We watched 'Un chien andalou' which is a very strange black and white film that seems to draw attention to pain, fear and sex. Maybe cause they are things we usually try to cover up.
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