Genre is the categorizing of a film in an easily recognisable way- Horror, comedy, musical etc.
We looked at these animations-
-Tales of the unexpected
-Grizzly tales -Peels butterfly
-Bugs bunny
-Tom and jerry- milk
- Dr jack+mr hyde
-Barry purve, Achilles
We discussed whether or not animation could be considered scary and if it had the same capacity to be scary as film does. Like in the grizzly tales for gruesome kids stories, they are pretty scary I remember them as a kid but because it's an animation you kind of know it's not real however if this was done in film it would have seemed more real and would have been more scary and maybe have given children nightmares. Therefore I believe that animation does have the capacity to be scary just not in quite the same level as film.
Some generic plots of different genres are:
-Maturation (coming of age)
-Redemption (transition bad to good)
-Punitive (good character behaves bad+punished)
-Testing (will power vs temptation)
-Education (negative to positive perception)
-Disillusionment (reverse of education)
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